A tragic incident unfolded today in Dhaka's Dhanmondi area, where a student from Dhaka Residential Model College lost his life during a clash between quota protestors, police, and members of the Jubo League.
The clash resulted in the unfortunate death of the student. Authorities have confirmed the identity of the deceased as Farhan Faiyaaz, aged 17.
According to Osman Gani, the assistant manager of City Hospital, Farhan was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.
In the Uttara region of Dhaka, there was a clash between police and quota protesters that resulted in at least four deaths today.
In addition, the hospital provided medical care to around 200 people, most of them students.
According to the TGE report, officials disclosed that a continuous flow of injured patients is still being admitted to the hospital.
According to witnesses and our staff correspondent, a clash broke out at approximately 11:30 am when the police attempted to disperse the students who had blocked the roads at Dhanmondi-27.
At the time of the event, police used tear gas to get the students to leave the area. While this happened, people from the Jubo League were seen running after the quota protestors with sticks.
Following their initial demonstration, the protesters strategically positioned themselves in various alleys, spreading the clash to nearby areas.
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